Kelas Reguler Chat English
(Basic - Intermediate)
Kelas Reguler dengan guru Inggris yang berpengalaman.
Pembelajaran menggunakan gmeet, pengajaran via video call.
Pembelajaran 2x dalam seminggu, 8x pembelajaran dalam sebulan.
1x pertemuan 1 jam 15 menit
Guru online 12 Jam untuk menjawab pertanyaan murid
Mendapatkan sertifikat
Jumlah murid di dalam kelas mulai dari 510 orang
Start on 22 April 2025
990,000 IDR / 3 Bulan
Kelas Reguler
Pembelajaran menggunakan Whatsapp / Telegram & Zoom / Gmeet, pengajaran via Video Call.
Pembelajaran 2x dalam seminggu, 8x Pembelajaran dalam sebulan
Mendapatkan sertifikat
Pembelajaran dilakukan : mengikuti jadwal dari murid​
Jumlah murid di dalam kelas adalah 3-5 orang
Jenis Kelas Reguler sebagai berikut :
Level Basic A1-Beginner (400,000 IDR / month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to ask and answer simple questions on familiar topics.
Able to use simple phrases to describe where you live and people you know.
Able to communicate in simple and routine tasks on familiar topics and activities.
Able to describe your family and other people, living conditions, educational background, and present or most recent job.
Listening :
Able to understand familiar words and basic phrases about yourself, family, and immediate surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly and repeats.
Able to understand phrases and common vocabulary on common areas (e.g., basic personal, family information, shopping, local area, employment.)
Able to understand the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
Reading :
Able to understand familiar names, words, and simple sentences.
Able to read short, simple texts.
Able to find specific, predictable information in advertisements, catalogues, menus, and timetables.
Able to understand short simple personal letters.
Writing :
Able to write a short, simple postcard (e.g.: holiday postcards).
Able to fill in forms with personal details (e.g.: for hotel registration form).
Able to write short, simple notes, and messages.
Able to write a simple personal letter (e.g.: thanking someone)
Vocabulary :
Numbers (cardinal/ordinal), money
Countries, nationalities, languages
Time, days, dates, months, years, seasons
Shops & places
Interests (sports & activities)
Jobs (occupation)
Rooms & furniture
Size & weight
Body parts & appearance
Food, meals, cooking
Weather & climate
Feelings & emotions
Street directions
Tenses (simple present, simple past, present continuous, present perfect)
Countable & uncountable nouns
Prepositions of place and time
Conjunctions/linkers: and, but, because, or Irregular plurals
Too/not enough
Can (ability/possibility)
Can/could (request)
Short form answers
Future plans (going to)
Adverbs of frequency and manner
Comparative & superlative
Irregular adverbs
Present continuous for temporary situations, things happening now, future arrangements
Should (advice)
Have to/need to (obligation)
Be like (description)
Level Pre Intermediate A2-Beginner (400,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to deal with most situations when travelling in English-speaking area.
Able to talk about family, hobbies, work, travel, and current events.
Able to talk about experiences, events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions.
Able to reason and explain for opinions and plans.
Able to tell the story of a book or film and describe your reactions.
Listening :
Able to understand main points of clear speech on work, school, and leisure.
Able to understand main point on TV programs on current affairs, familiar topics in a slow and clear speech.
Reading :
Able to understand common, basic, or job-related language
Able to understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.
Writing :
Able to write a simple writing about familiar topics.
Able to write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.
Vocabulary :
Buildings and monuments
Clothes & accessories
Travel and tourism
Hobbies, sports, interests
Life changes & events
Description of people, health, fitness & illness
Types of music & concerts
Tenses (Simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continues, present perfect)
Comparative & superlative
Going to and will for predictions, future events, and spontaneous decisions
Adverbs of frequency and manner
Reflexive pronouns
Must/might (deductions)
Be able to/good at
First conditional
Relative clauses
Level Intermediate B1-Intermediate (400,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to speak regularly with native speakers.
Able to discuss familiar topics in detail.
Able to give your opinions and explains the advantage & disadvantage.
Listening :
Able to understand long speech & lectures and follow complex arguments if the topic is familiar.
Able to understand most TV news and current affairs programs.
Able to understand majority of films in common accents.
Reading :
Able to read articles and reports about common topics.
Able to understand modern novels.
Writing :
Able to write a wide range of subjects clearly and in detail.
Able to write a short essay or report.
Able to write letters about events and personal experiences.
Vocabulary :
Make and do
Holidays and travel brochures
Furniture and appliances
Crime and punishment
Family relationships
Consumer services
Used to + infinitive
Neither/so do I
Reported speech
Adverbs of manner and modifiers
Adjectives & connotations
Be able to/can/manage to
Have and have got
A few and a little
Tenses (Present perfect, present perfect continuous, simple past, past perfect)
Level Intermediate B2-Intermediate (400,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to speak fluently without searching for language.
Able to communicate effectively in social and professional situations.
Able to give ideas and opinions and relate your ideas to other speakers.
Able to talk about complex subjects and develop arguments.
Listening :
Able to understand long speech.
Able to understand most television programs and films.
Reading :
Able to understand long and complex factual and literary texts with different styles.
Able to understand specialised articles and long technical instructions.
Writing :
Able to write long, clear, well-structured text to express your points of view.
Able to write complex subjects in a letter, essay, or report.
Able to write in appropriate style.
Vocabulary :
Work, working conditions
Transport and exploration
Crime and punishment
Festivals and celebrations
Sport and leisure
Adverbs of manner & modifiers
Participle adjectives
Colloquial expression and slang
Habit in the present and the past
Phrasal verbs
Wish and If only
Compounds of some, any, no, every
Relative clause
Modals (present and perfect)
Tenses (present perfect & present perfect continuous; simple past, past continuous, & past perfect; future perfect)
Will, going to, simple present & present continuous for future events
Level Advanced C1 (400,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to take part in any conversation & have good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms fluently.
Able to present a clear and smooth-flowing description or argument in a style appropriate to the context with an effective logical structure.
Listening :
Able to understand any kind of spoken English, live or broadcast, at native speed with familiarity of the accent.
Reading :
Able to read abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts with ease.
Writing :
Able to write clear, smoothly-flowing text in an appropriate style.
Able to write complex letters, reports, or articles that present a case with effective logical structure.
Able to write summaries and reviews of professional or literary works.
Vocabulary :
Astrology and religions
Coincidences and experiences
Eccentricity and individuality
Age and cultural differences
Current affairs
Types of communication
Road and home safety and risk
Child development
Uses of continuous tenses
Order of adverbs
Ellipsis and elision
Future continuous
Mixed conditionals
Inversions and negative adverbials
Kelas Private
Pembelajaran menggunakan Whatsapp / Telegram & Zoom / Gmeet, pengajaran via Video Call.
Pembelajaran 2x dalam seminggu, 8x Pembelajaran dalam sebulan
Mendapatkan sertifikat
Pembelajaran dilakukan : mengikuti jadwal dari murid​
Belajar One on One dengan guru
Jenis Kelas Reguler sebagai berikut :
Level Basic A1-Beginner (1,300,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to ask and answer simple questions on familiar topics.
Able to use simple phrases to describe where you live and people you know.
Able to communicate in simple and routine tasks on familiar topics and activities.
Able to describe your family and other people, living conditions, educational background, and present or most recent job.
Listening :
Able to understand familiar words and basic phrases about yourself, family, and immediate surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly and repeats.
Able to understand phrases and common vocabulary on common areas (e.g., basic personal, family information, shopping, local area, employment.)
Able to understand the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
Reading :
Able to understand familiar names, words, and simple sentences.
Able to read short, simple texts.
Able to find specific, predictable information in advertisements, catalogues, menus, and timetables.
Able to understand short simple personal letters.
Writing :
Able to write a short, simple postcard (e.g.: holiday postcards).
Able to fill in forms with personal details (e.g.: for hotel registration form).
Able to write short, simple notes, and messages.
Able to write a simple personal letter (e.g.: thanking someone)
Vocabulary :
Numbers (cardinal/ordinal), money
Countries, nationalities, languages
Time, days, dates, months, years, seasons
Shops & places
Interests (sports & activities)
Jobs (occupation)
Rooms & furniture
Size & weight
Body parts & appearance
Food, meals, cooking
Weather & climate
Feelings & emotions
Street directions
Tenses (simple present, simple past, present continuous, present perfect)
Countable & uncountable nouns
Prepositions of place and time
Conjunctions/linkers: and, but, because, or Irregular plurals
Too/not enough
Can (ability/possibility)
Can/could (request)
Short form answers
Future plans (going to)
Adverbs of frequency and manner
Comparative & superlative
Irregular adverbs
Present continuous for temporary situations, things happening now, future arrangements
Should (advice)
Have to/need to (obligation)
Be like (description)
Level Pre Intermediate A2-Beginner (1,350,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to deal with most situations when travelling in English-speaking area.
Able to talk about family, hobbies, work, travel, and current events.
Able to talk about experiences, events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions.
Able to reason and explain for opinions and plans.
Able to tell the story of a book or film and describe your reactions.
Listening :
Able to understand main points of clear speech on work, school, and leisure.
Able to understand main point on TV programs on current affairs, familiar topics in a slow and clear speech.
Reading :
Able to understand common, basic, or job-related language
Able to understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.
Writing :
Able to write a simple writing about familiar topics.
Able to write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.
Vocabulary :
Buildings and monuments
Clothes & accessories
Travel and tourism
Hobbies, sports, interests
Life changes & events
Description of people, health, fitness & illness
Types of music & concerts
Tenses (Simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continues, present perfect)
Comparative & superlative
Going to and will for predictions, future events, and spontaneous decisions
Adverbs of frequency and manner
Reflexive pronouns
Must/might (deductions)
Be able to/good at
First conditional
Relative clauses
Level Intermediate B1-Intermediate (1,400,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to speak regularly with native speakers.
Able to discuss familiar topics in detail.
Able to give your opinions and explains the advantage & disadvantage.
Listening :
Able to understand long speech & lectures and follow complex arguments if the topic is familiar.
Able to understand most TV news and current affairs programs.
Able to understand majority of films in common accents.
Reading :
Able to read articles and reports about common topics.
Able to understand modern novels.
Writing :
Able to write a wide range of subjects clearly and in detail.
Able to write a short essay or report.
Able to write letters about events and personal experiences.
Vocabulary :
Make and do
Holidays and travel brochures
Furniture and appliances
Crime and punishment
Family relationships
Consumer services
Used to + infinitive
Neither/so do I
Reported speech
Adverbs of manner and modifiers
Adjectives & connotations
Be able to/can/manage to
Have and have got
A few and a little
Tenses (Present perfect, present perfect continuous, simple past, past perfect)
Level Intermediate B2-Intermediate (1,450,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to speak fluently without searching for language.
Able to communicate effectively in social and professional situations.
Able to give ideas and opinions and relate your ideas to other speakers.
Able to talk about complex subjects and develop arguments.
Listening :
Able to understand long speech.
Able to understand most television programs and films.
Reading :
Able to understand long and complex factual and literary texts with different styles.
Able to understand specialised articles and long technical instructions.
Writing :
Able to write long, clear, well-structured text to express your points of view.
Able to write complex subjects in a letter, essay, or report.
Able to write in appropriate style.
Vocabulary :
Work, working conditions
Transport and exploration
Crime and punishment
Festivals and celebrations
Sport and leisure
Adverbs of manner & modifiers
Participle adjectives
Colloquial expression and slang
Habit in the present and the past
Phrasal verbs
Wish and If only
Compounds of some, any, no, every
Relative clause
Modals (present and perfect)
Tenses (present perfect & present perfect continuous; simple past, past continuous, & past perfect; future perfect)
Will, going to, simple present & present continuous for future events
Level Advanced C1 (1,500,000 IDR per month)
CEFR Objectives :
Speaking :​
Able to take part in any conversation & have good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms fluently.
Able to present a clear and smooth-flowing description or argument in a style appropriate to the context with an effective logical structure.
Listening :
Able to understand any kind of spoken English, live or broadcast, at native speed with familiarity of the accent.
Reading :
Able to read abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts with ease.
Writing :
Able to write clear, smoothly-flowing text in an appropriate style.
Able to write complex letters, reports, or articles that present a case with effective logical structure.
Able to write summaries and reviews of professional or literary works.
Vocabulary :
Astrology and religions
Coincidences and experiences
Eccentricity and individuality
Age and cultural differences
Current affairs
Types of communication
Road and home safety and risk
Child development
Uses of continuous tenses
Order of adverbs
Ellipsis and elision
Future continuous
Mixed conditionals
Inversions and negative adverbials